Tuesday, September 28, 2010

a surprise

In the past few weeks we have had a stray cat hanging around our yard. It's a pretty kitty- black and white with long hair. Very pretty.

But this cat is not friendly. Maybe because we weren't friendly to it. I don't know which came first. But this black and white kitty growls at us from inside our bushes, and it chases Bill and Bambi away from their food.

We have seen what Bill and Bambi can do to other woodland creatures they have harvested, and I can't believe that they are scared of this other cat.

Handsome and I have shown our children a side of their parents that they have never seen. I have chased this cat with a dish towel. (more therapeutic than you might think)
Ken has thrown things at it with vigor that is normally reserved for killing spiders or bugs in the house. Neither of us have been successful at running this cat off.

So now we are up to last night. Little Bear found a tiny black kitten inside our playhouse. Can you imagine the excitement of a little girl finding a teeny tiny kitten in our playhouse? She was elated. She picked it up put it outside where the mommy black and white cat was waiting.

We have been somewhat responsible kitty parents. We had Bill and Bambi fixed last year. With that, Bill told me that this black and white kitty was named Billie Jean.

Handsome and I went outside to see how many others there might be. So far we think there is only the one, however unlikely that seems. The little kitty did have its eyes open and was walking, but it was so tiny, it was hard to for it to climb over clumps of grass.

I picked it up, and it immediately stopped crying. It's solid black, with a little white on its face, and has white feet. Pretty cute.

Then we saw the momma kitty under the playhouse growling at us still, so we put it back.

Ugh. Now what?

This morning when I asked Little Bear to feed the cats, I told her to put some more food for Billie Jean in another dish far away from the others. I heard myself saying "We need to feed the black cat now because she has a baby."

She came in bouncing around, so excited about the new little friend that has come into our lives. "Mommy, are you trying not to like the little kitty?"

"Yes. I am."

"Well, I'm not trying not to like it. It's cuuute!"

Enter lesson from the Holy Spirit. One that I need to learn, but my daughter has already mastered: Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. James 1:27

And it means feeding stray cats who have kittens in your yard.


Lori Mercer said...

Okay, wait a minute....Bill talks to you??

Margie Walters said...

Is that the hissing cat??? bbllaahh!!! You want a dog to scare him away?

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