Monday, November 22, 2010

The elf game

I read something in a magazine today about "elfing" someone. It sounds like a wonderful way to spread holiday cheer, and something fun to share with your family.

Apparently there are several ways to play this little game. One family I read about "elfed" their target every night for the 12 days before Christmas. Another, had been elfed with a bag full of treats left at their door. This was the poem they found with their bag:
The air is cold, the time is here,
Time that is to spread some cheer.

This bag of treats is yours to keep,
Holiday spirit on the cheap.

To give is better than to receive,
I hope this helps you to Believe,

An “elf” brought this to you and yours,
Now it’s your turn to darken doors.

First, hang the Christmas clings for us to view,
That way we know “who got you”

Next, the task is fairly simple, see,
Just deliver some goodies secretly,

Include some clings and trinkets of your own
To a friend or stranger’s home.

Don’t forget this instruction sheet,
So the others know to treat,

I hope you have a Merry Christmas
And a very Happy New Year.

would love to hear more elf poems and ideas. I think it would be a fun way to share the holidays with friends.

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